4.5" x 125’ x 1.5"
vellum, bookcloth, PVA, chipboard
Printed at Texas Tech University

This handmade artist book was created to renegotiate the memory of a place with what is lost from that experience when transferred to a new format. Using the fingerprint created at the Mimbres River in New Mexico, I unfurled the tape and digititally scanned the entire length, creating a composite image which was then printed on vellum. Transcribing the fingerprint into a scanned, two-dimensional file, then constructing an artist book to contain the physical form, to eventually providing it as a visual score to be performed by musicians was a practice in formal rendering and creative collaboration.
Having created the visual score, I collaborated with artists Lula Asplund and Naomi Harrison-Clay of Junior Mint Prince to perform the fingerprint score and create a musical composition, suplimented with field recordings I collected from the site. Listen to an excerpt of the composition below